Okay, it has been a while since I have written, but I don’t know how I even got through Christmas, the way I did, because of this brain in my, which seems to only work half the time. I tell you, I’m not one of those people that can do more than one thing at a time. When I was younger, I was a multi-tasker and did great. Was always busy, and always getting so much accomplished. It is just scary the way I am now. I have to admit that I scare myself sometimes, with the way I forget things and deal with things. It is like a whole different person has invaded my body.
Okay, my blog today isn’t going to be long either. It is just a picture of my two Ragdoll girls, and my kids. I have to show you a picture I took at the tree of my kids. It was suppose to be a joke sort of, but actually turned out to be a good picture. There is one with the fedora on and one with it off. I’m showing you the one with the fedora on. He looks cute in it. I have been trying to get him to sing like Frank Sinatra. I believe he could pull off performing at events at fairs and such in the summer and maybe win some contests. He loves to clean up, and I told him to wear a black suit, his fedora and a skinny black tie and sing like Frankie, and he would have the older women in the crowd cheering him on, and he would win some events. He is only 15-1/2. He could knock them dead. His sister is 18, and looks as young as he does. So, that is my kids.
I wanted you to see pictures of my girls and how they have grown. My girls, who are sisters, and only 9 months old, are so beautiful, as you can see. Where they are sitting is in a window in my family room. My husband built them a four foot kitty tree, and he wanted to see if they liked it before he put the carpet on it. As you can see, they are sitting on their old kitty gym, although they have been climbing on their tree. They love to sit in this window, and I have placed bird feeders outside the window, about 5' from the window, and they sit there off and on all day watching the birds. They are just so sweet. I love them. Don’t worry, they don’t sit that close to the propane heater, it is just the way things were sitting when the picture was taken. Everything has been moved to its proper place since.
Okay, going now. I hope you have had a nice Saturday. Here in southern Ohio, we have had a 70 degree day today, and it has simply been beautiful. This is just a tease though. We are still in for some more winter, and I look for it to be not so kind. Okay, thank you for stopping by. Hope your weekend is great. Happy stamping!