About Me

- Karen
- Ironton, Ohio, United States
- Well let's see, I'm Mom to Victoria and Mitchell, wife to Dick; I'm special to all three, who are special to me,and that makes me the Luckiest Person on Earth. Victoria is married to Andew Knipp. I love being a mother-in-law. Hope he loves his mother-in-law. I love the comfort of being home. I'm blessed with a huge craft room, and an endless desire to create. One of my favorite things in this life is meeting people. I have the gift of gab, and can talk to most anyone. God has truly blessed me.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Good Sunday! I have been trying to download pictures to my blog of a girlfriend album I made. For some reason my computer is acting up and when I try to download pictures, it closes the page. I'm going to have to have my computer guru son-in-law take a look at my computer for me. He will fix it, no doubt. So, for today, I wanted to explain that. Wish you a Happy Sunday, and tell you to think of the Lord throughout your day!
Happy Stamping!
Happy Stamping!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Recipe Book
Today’s pictures are from an album I made, a recipe book. Well, actually, I made three of the same album. I used a recollections cardstock pack from Michael’s. I sold two books and kept one for myself. I like the way I have included recipes for two meals, along with breads and desserts for two meals. There are spots for pictures of either the dishes or of your family get together enjoying the dishes. Also, there are tags for you to journal on. I hope you enjoy the pics! Check out more of my albums on Etsy under Quaintly Put.
Happy Stamping!

Happy Stamping!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Today, I’m showing off three tags I made using the Prima Mixed Media Doll Stamps. I have several more tags I’ve worked on, but showing these three. Haven’t posted in a while, but been very busy in the craft room. Recently, I did a craft show selling albums, and did very well. I was so happy! God is Good! So, hope you enjoy my tags, and I hope to show an album tomorrow.
Happy Stamping,
Sunday, February 3, 2013
I hate that my pictures keep coming out a little blurry. I think I’m going to have to use my Kodak to start taking the pictures.
This card is a card a submitted for a SWAP on SCS. I love how the colors just went together. Probably one of my favorite color combinations, but then there are so many! Something awesome about bright pink and black, don’t you think?
Here in Southern Ohio, we finally got a good snow fall. There is about 5" of snow on the ground. It looks beautiful. I love driving in the snow, so I got out early yesterday, when it had just started and ran errands. I had the bank, gas station, Hobby Lobby, Dollar General and CVS. I went to Hobby Lobby for a zutter. Believe this or not, I love to make albums and I did not have a zutter. So, this was a must have. I was just at Hobby Lobby on Thursday, and couldn’t decide whether to buy the thing. Convinced myself I had to have it, and once I get “have to have it” in my head, I need it ASAP. The roads, however, starting getting bad before I got home, and I had to put the Expedition in 4x4 before heading to my little house in the country, which my hollow road was kinda nasty.
I heard a rumor on Friday, that Hobby Lobby was going to close. I have looked on the internet and found no evidence that it is true, however, there is a chance they could go bankrupt over the fines they are receiving for not complying with the Obamacare Morning After Pill. This is a business started by Christian people, and this is against their beliefs. I think they are standing on their principles and should be looked upon as heros. We all need to stand for what we believe. More people should also do the same. I will continue to shop there and that they aren’t forced to close, because I love Hobby Lobby. Okay, I’ve had my say on this subject.
Hope you have a wonderful day of stamping and Toota-loo!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Today’s post is a 6 x 6 recipe card that I made for a SWAP on SCS. This is the best recipe. The cake is delicious and anytime I take it to an event, I get people wanting the recipe, and get lots of compliments. I will put the recipe below, just in case it is too hard to read on the card. Try it, and let me know if you, too, enjoy it.
Apple Cake
Preheat oven at 350 degrees
3 cups flour 3 eggs
3 cups sugar 1 cup pecans
3 cups apples 1 tsp soda
1 tsp salt 1-1/2 cups oil
2 tsp cinnamon
This will be very thick. Place it in a bundt pan.
No need to grease & flour. Cook for 1 to 1-1/2
1 stick butter
1 cup light brown sugar
1/4 cup milk
Boil two minutes. Pour over your baked cake.
Happy Stamping and Toota-Loo,
Sunday, January 27, 2013
A whopping 42 degrees here today! We are in the beginning of a heat wave. Has to be! The past week or so has been teens and 20's, with a few single digits at night. We finally got a dusting of snow, but it was a bad dusting. There were numerous wrecks on highways, as well as heavily traveled roads. It was really slick.
The winter is not my favorite time of year, but I am a firm believer that if it has to be cold, it should be snowing. Lots of people don’t agree with me, because it means traveling in the snow, and I can see that. But, I would like a big snow, a couple of days to look at it, and then a day or so for it to melt. Just saying.
Today’s card, I’ve posted, is for a snowman swap on SCS. I haven’t actually mailed this card in yet. But, thought I would post it, just because I’ve mentioned snow above. Hope you like it! I think the kitty cat snowman is so cute.
Enjoy your Sunday, and happy stamping!
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