Okay, I have a post for today. Actually, I could post several. First, I have a story. The thing with me is that I always have a story. My girlfriends tell me I always have a story. I’m not sure if that is good or bad, but they put up with me, and I’m glad about that.
On Saturday, Vickie, Barb, Tessie and myself hit the road for another road trip. This time we headed north to Cincinnati, which is a little over 2 hours for us. First stop, Archiver’s. We did make & takes and the other girls did scrapbook pages. I just love this store. Wish so much there was one closer to us. Two hours away is the closest we can find one. Then, we hit a place called Scraps Etc., and bought them out. Next, we hit Michael’s, Hobby Lobby and a Joann’s, where we left the shelves bare. Way too much fun for one day! When we travel away from home, we have to eat at Big Boy! Barb & I love Big Boy, but Vickie & Tessie are not as impressed as we are. They tolerate it for the sake of us. So sweet!
Well, after that trip, I have to say that I was inspired. Haven’t really used all that much of my new stuff, but then I had bunches of new stuff to begin with. Isn’t that just like a papercrafter? We have bunches of new stuff, but we are always ready to buy more, and so we do. Have to have the latest new gadget or something we saw someone else use and it was just so wonderful. I love it. Hate spending the money, but can’t live without it.
I should mention my health situation. It is for those who have asked. Thank you for thinking about me, and most of all praying for me. I know it is prayers that got me through everything. I had to have an IVP because of the kidney blockage, and there was nothing on the IVP. Every thing was completely cleared up. GOD! The only thing to explain it. The place on my right hip is not a mass. GOD! That is the only way to explain it. Now, I saw the GYN, and he is checking the ovarian cyst. He ordered another ultrasound, but I do not have the results of that yet. He did have the results of the lab work, though, and everything was normal on that. He had ordered a CA-125, and for any one that doesn’t know, that is a test for tumor markers, and it was negative. That means no cancer. How wonderful! I find out next week about the cyst and what will happen next. I’m not worried. God is in control.
Okay, for the post. This is my first scalloped circle card. The card is from SU. I used all SU materials except for the two little flower brads, the yellow brad and one of the scalloped circles under the flower, which is Lasting Impressions paper. This card was very fun to make, and I stayed right on top of it once I started. I didn’t have any idea what I was doing until I got started. Everything fell into place, and I love the way it turned out. I sure hope you like it as well. Thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings. I hope you have a wonderful day! Stop back. I hope to post again tomorrow. I have three more cards I created recently and hope to post over the weekend.